Los Angeles!

Los Angeles!
Karen, Me, Deeps - Left to right - In LA

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


A friend from college visited me this past week, so I've not done a lot in the way of training. June 3rd is rapidly approaching and I find myself worrying about the little details of the Lifecycle.
With whom will I tent? How will I get back from LA? Where will I stay? It is a hopeless waste of energy to think about these topics if I am unwilling to attack them with some complementary constructive force. And I am unwilling.

Sarah's visit made me realize what a charmed life I've been leading in San Francisco. In almost every way, my life has improved. As we visited Alcatraz, walked across the span of the Golden Gate, rode the historic street cars and cable cars, walked through China town and along the beach, I was repeatedly struck with the simple thought: "I live here." But I'm a visitor, too. This wont be my city for long; it is my city now. I like that.

On Saturday I went for my longest-ever run with my roommate, Alyssa. She and my other roomie, Eliza, are doing a half-marathon in July. On Saturday we did half of the half. I was amazed at how easy it was for me. I am truly in some sort of shape; the best shape of my life by a factor of ten, I'll wager.

Yesterday, the 9th, I went on a 20 miler around the city. I had time from my little ambassedorship/respite to heal from some previous intense training.

Thank you to all 31 of you who've donated thus far. I'm almost to my goal, pending a boost from my bosses. And thanks for sticking with me through this blog.

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