Los Angeles!

Los Angeles!
Karen, Me, Deeps - Left to right - In LA

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I knew it.


I've seen people riding road bikes since I got out here, and I wanted one from the first. Now I finally got one and I love it. I knew it.

Like I've said before, I've never been an athletic person, mostly because most of the athletics I was introduced to were competitive. Soccer, Football, baseball... I hate competition.

Cycling is different, you can be alone, competing with only with time, wind and gravity. Toiling for hours and getting as far as you might in a car. Suddenly 30 miles becomes an hour an a half ride. That's amazing... and you propelled your bulk the entire way with out any poison fossil fuels.

I though of putting a sticker that said "Zero Emissions Vehicle" on my bike, but the scientist in me wagged a finger at me, "You emit CO2, remember?". Oh, yeah. My catabolism is more efficient at least and is based on renewable energy sources, at least.

With my first training ride down, I feel positive about this endeavor. People participating in the Life Cycle met at the MaClauren lodge in Golden Gate Park last Saturday. Surprisingly, most of the people--there were about 40--were older, mean age probably in the early 40's. I was one of 3 people under 30. We set out in single file north through the city toward the Golden Gate bridge. There I was, clipped in to my petals, stopping and going and almost running a red light in front of 15 people.

We crossed the bridge on the west side, the side dedicated to cyclists (and tourists with bikes who stop to take pictures). More power to them, the tourist that is, for the Vista is second to none in beauty.

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